  • Report:  #365828

Complaint Review: Dr. Charleston Carll - Corporate Financial Credit LLC - Beverly Hills California

Reported By:
- Beverly Hills, California,

Dr. Charleston Carll - Corporate Financial Credit LLC
9107 Wilshire Boulevard Beverly Hills, 90210 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I, after a few weeks of doing business with (the so called Doctor) Charleston Carll, have changed my mind about this individual.

I have found out that he is NOT what or who he says he is, he has systematically lied about his status as a businessman and where he resides. He has NEVER worked or lived in Beverly Hills area. and to my belief never worked as a Regents Director at UCLA. I find him to be a total FRAUD in every sense of the word.

After using my office for several weeks to help me obtain a mortgage, and purchase a company vehicle for one of my employees, he has lied to me about what he was doing and work has been nothing but none-productive and the companies he says he owns are all fictitious ravings of is termed to be nothing but a meg-lo-maniac. He lives with his Mother in Inglewood CA in a lower middle-class apartment building. Drives his mother and brother's cars without any income what-so-ever, using the Internet to defraud people with claims of repairing their credit and other financial services. After speaking with people he claimed to have done business with, I have found that this man has NEVER closed any deals with them. and becomes invisible when he collects money from his clients. Thank God he never got a penny from me. Only ran up a phone bill and the use of my computers for a while. I went on-line and found this information HE posted about himself which is quite entertaining, This man is a con artist of the lowest caliber without any regards to safeguards, the information posted are total lies in the least a great fairy tale. Read it for yourself and remember the next time you plan to do business with a company have them investigated, like we did, before giving up any money.

Who is Corporate Financial Credit LLC?

Well here is what I found out about: Corporate Financial Credit, LLC

Type: Limited Liability Company (NOT IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA)

Address: 9107 Wilshire Boulevard, Beverly Hills 90210-0058, U.S.A. (ANSWERING SERVICE ONLY closed account )

Telephone: (800) 818-0950 (THIS IS A SERVICE HE PURCHASES MONTHLY)

Fax: (310) 861-1104

Web: http://www.corporatefinancialcreditllc.com website is non-existent


Sales: $12 million (2007 est.) (HE IS BROKE)

Incorporated: 2001 (this corporation owned by him in the state of California the Charleston company is owned by an individual in San Francisco (white) and is suspended )

HE SAYS THAT: My findings are in BOLD

Corporate Financial Credit, LLC., is a holding company whose subsidiaries primarily operate personal and business consultant, investment services including on-line investing, financial advice and banking solutions and develops real estate. The firm owns Corporate Capital Investments, (THIS IS AN INVESTMENT BANK IN SAN DIEGO, THEY HAVE NEVER HEARD OF HIM) in Los Angeles, CA and Miami, FL , Gulf Port, Mississippi, Black Hawk CO, and Las Vegas, NV. Other Corporate Financial Credit, LLC companies include real estate developer Corporate Development Company; Corporate International,(CDI Global's Los Angeles office, opened in 2004, is located outside the city OF Los Angeles IT IS OWNED BY Mr. Gene Laquinta,(((Redacted)))AND THEY HAVE NEVER HEARD OF HIM AS WELL) which pursues business ventures abroad; and Corporate Entertainment, which markets a video jukebox. Headed by African American entrepreneur Dr. Charleston L. Carll, (This Company is a Comedy Booking Agency and he has no affiliation with them whatsoever!)

Corporate Financial Credit, LLC is becoming one of the sub-primary largest black-owned firms in the United States, according to Black Enterprise magazine. (HE HAS NEVER HAD ANY ARTICLES ABOUT HIM PUBLISHED IN THIS MAGAZINE)

HE ALSO STATES IN HIS POSTING THAT: I have not corrected his spelling at all


The different enterprises that make up Corporate Financial Credit, LLC Companies are the brainchild of Los Angeles native Dr. Charleston L. Carll. He was the third child of 3 children and grew up in middle-class in the city of Los Angeles, California. He learned the value of hard work and determination from his mother and father, they both worked hard. When he finished high school, Call received an academic scholarship and began attending the University of California, Los Angeles. When he graduated, he took on series of jobs ranging from Chief Director, for the Regents of the Univesity of California, 10 Campuses, University of California, Berkeley, Davis, Irvine, Los Angeles, Merced, Riverside, San Diego, San Francisco, Santa Barbara, and Santa Cruz. This included the Recreation, Club and Intramural Sports for the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics, Athletic Training Department, and the Division of Sports Medicine. Dr. Carll, has also took on several academic appointments as Assistant Professor at the University of California, San Diego, University of California, Riverside, San Diego State University and University of Southern California. In 2001 Dr. Carll took $1500 he had saved and incorporated a Limited Liability Company he called Corporate Financial Credit, LLC, and also began to promote personal finance and business financial services, worked as a business consultant, and also showed clients how to build personal, corporate & business credit without a personal guarantee.

With revenue sales slow due to competition from major companies, in 2005 Carll sold his business and started a public relations and marketing firm. He had once briefly published a small newspaper with a partner, and now he started a weekly called the Corporate County Times. In 2006 Carll found out from a military recruiter that recruitment offices would soon be moving out of post offices into spaces of their own, and he quickly decided to buy a building and lease it to the military. After submitting a successful bid for office space, he received a $325,000 bank loan and bought the building. Two years later he sold it for $650,000, and then bought another building for $785,000 from, which he leased back to the utility. By 2007 the real estate business had grown such that he was able to begin construction of a new $11 million building.



In early 2008 also Dr. Carll won an election to the LA-Live, LLC Downtown Los Angeles Metropolitian city and has continued to serve on the board of directors where he serves as Chief Executive Officer. After using his political connections to ensure that 48 percent of the urban city - Downtown, Los Angeles in its neighboring South Central, Los Angeles city would be able to create a better future for minorities, he invested $2,000 in each.

Carll immediately began the complicated process of laying out multiple programs for client to build personal and business corporate credit. To help fund the massive undertaking, opened Corporate Capital Credit, LLC-based Los Angeles, CA, a conglomerate with interests in providing Corporate and Personal Capital, investment services including, stock, bond, securities and 401K's. Corporate Capital Credit, LLC arranged to provide $100 million in financing, and took a 49 percent ownership stake in the system.


Principal Subsidiaries (SUSPOSEDLY)

Corporate Development, LLC.; The Corporate Star, LLC; Capital Enterprises, LLC; Corporate Investor Holdings LLC; The Corporate StarCapital Corporation; Corporate Investor Capital Corporation; Bal Corporate Harbour Boats LLC (50%); Capital Development Company; Corporate Entertainment, LLC.; Corporate Capital International, LLC.; Corporate Technologies, LLC.; Capital New Century LLC.



If you have been defrauded by this man please contact me at: [email protected] and I will JOIN YOU in bringing a lawsuit against this man I know where he lives and help you find this individual. This man must be brought to justice.

Mr. jackson

Beverly Hills, California


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