  • Report:  #24765

Complaint Review: cross country bank - boca raton Florida

Reported By:
- valdosta, ga,

cross country bank
po box 310730 boca raton, 33436-0730 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have never had a credit card with these people and will not.I had a room mate that did.he moved out and they harrased me everyday as if it were me who had the card.I told them over and over he had moved and they called here 5 to 10 times a day.

I work nights and go to bed at 7 in the morning nd they would start calling at 8 am.i began just hanging up on them and then they would just call right bck.The people were rude and when I told them he was no longer here it didn't matter to them.I told them I was going to just hang up and they said fine we will just call back and this is after I told them he was no longer here.

I tried to talk to a manager and they said that was not possible as I did not hav an account with them.Yet even though I had no account they could call me all hours of the day and on week ends and harrass me.There were days when I was late going to work because I over slept and there were 3 day I didn't even get up in time to be late.I was having problem at work because I was tired and I almost was suspended.

I had my hours cut because I was late and that was a warning.This went on for 3 months and no matter what I said they just kept calling my home.These people owe me back wages for all the hassassment they put me through I am glad I never had one of there cards I can just imagine what I would have to endure if I did.

These practices should not happen if someone tells you that the person is no longer at that address and the phone is not in that persons name then they should not be allowed to hasrrass an innocent person and if they do they should have to pay for all the inconvienience in causes.I almost had to change my phone number,I reported them to bell south and bell south got a manager on the line and she said my name would be removed at once from their calling list,That was on Friday and they were still calling all the next week.They should not be allowed to harrass the innocent and do it continually.


valdosta, Georgia

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Cherry Hill,
New Jersey,
I feel sorry for you but..................

#2Consumer Suggestion

Thu, July 18, 2002

I hope I do not appear critical, but why not just change your phone number. Since they are using your phone number to harrass you why not change to an unlisted number. I hope this helps in the future. Good luck. Tony

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