Craigslist blocks poor people from finding help on its website. It is a hate crime and a crime of social negligence to deliberately go out of your way to prevent someone from being freed from our planets economic torture/enslavement scheme.
Millions of Americans and people around the world are being tortured by poverty and sites like craigslist is a place is a place where people can find help (see uploaded picture), but Craig Newmark, the founder of Craigslist bans URLS such as or an (amazon wishlist). If you type these types of URLs where people can ask for help the Craigslist site will not let you post the ad, forcing you to not be able to ask people for help.
Unfortuantely, because many of the visitors of Criagslist are hateful satan worshiping 'christians' who feel the need to persecute and support America's genocide and torture of the poor by preventing them from finding help by flagging their ad, most of these posts disappear within minutes of posting them. This is a purely satanic outrage!
I ask that Craigslist make a special secion in the community section where the poor can ask for help without getting flagged and without any restrictions on URLs. I ask that the united states government prosecute Craig Newmark for $100 million dollars settlement and to give that money to the poor who are asking for it on his site and give Craig Newmark 5 years in prison for committing hate crimes against the poor. Craig says that his site is for people who can get help but then he's prejudiced and bigoted against the poor. As a result of his actions millions of americans are suffering more. He must be a purely evil human being to ban people from getting help.
Anaheim,#2Consumer Comment
Tue, March 10, 2020
You are a moron and a scam artist. Get some psychological help....
United States#3Consumer Comment
Mon, March 09, 2020
Do get some PROFESSIONAL help!