  • Report:  #46511

Complaint Review: Consolidated Media Services - Nationwide

Reported By:
- Los Angeles, California,

Consolidated Media Services
The Heritage Building 2550 Heritage Court Ste 106, Atlanta, GA 30339 Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
They billed me twice in one month overdrawing my account. Causing me to have over draft fee's. I have yet to receive one magazine. In all discussions it was said that no money's would be taken out until after the 3rd of each month. They did a withdrawal on 02/04/03 and 02/21/03. Their web site listed doesn't exsist so no way to file a claim directly and their phones are never answered or your on hold for up to 2 hours.


Los Angeles, California

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Los Angeles,
owner of company returned my money, canceled my subscription and even covered the overdraft fee the bank

#2Author of original report

Fri, March 07, 2003

After contacting the owner of the company by e-mail and explaining the situation he did return my money, cancel my subscription and to my great surprise he even the overdraft fee the bank charged for his second withdrawal from my account. All this happened since I filled my first report, at which time I couldn't get the info as to the owners name or e-mail. Once contacted he was responsive and complied with all my requests. He did apologize and said he would look into the matter of the soliciting company handling sales.

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