  • Report:  #144453

Complaint Review: CompUSA - Mesa Arizona

Reported By:
- Kennesaw, Georgia,

PO Box 42930 Mesa, 85274-2930 Arizona, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Apperantly large companies tend to make these rebate schemes the norm. I've sent rebates with Best Buy and have never had this problem. I will no longer purchase anything with COMPUSA.

I sent in the rebats for a computer package purchased in March. I followed all the directions and sent each seperately. Two months roll around and none of the rebates for this purchased have returned. May we receive the notice of incomplete information with the submissions. I made copies of all the information and will be resubmitting them.

The trend is to scam the customer to purchase the product and then avoiding the rebate. The company usually ends up winning. I can imagine that some people don't keep copies, others may not want to spend any more time on it, and the rest must be annoyed by the complete process. I am disgusted in the rebate deception by CompUSA.

I discovered that the address used by CompUSA is also the same as another rebate hoax from Pepboys Auto Parts. I have yet to discover the name of the company that processes rebates. Once I do I will report them to all the appropriate business organizations.


Kennesaw, Georgia

6 Updates & Rebuttals


When you purchase items that come with rebates you are supporting SLAVE LABOR

#2UPDATE Employee

Wed, August 17, 2005

I worked for a rebate center in Scottsdale a little over a year ago, I can't blame the employees who do this work for messing up your rebates. I spent one full day being taught how to process the rebates; I was paid nothing for training. I had a laundry list of instructions and had to spend another 2hours programming/downloading my home computer before I could even begin to work on the rebates. I worked for 4hours and was paid something like 10cents per rebate; I made about 75cents an hour before I said the heck with this. My girlfriend who won awards in school for her typing skills and over 30 years experience doing clerical work tried her hand at it, she made a little over $2. an hour. The mail was in disaray when I picked it up and by the time I collected the processed rebates from around my home, I'm suprised any of it found it's way to providing a check to the buyer. I was so P O'ed when I got back to the rebate center for mis-leading me about the amount that could be made; I just threw the mountain of rebates on their counter and told them "don't even bother paying me". When you purchase items that come with rebates you are supporting SLAVE LABOR. Wake up America, Arizona in particular; stop using people. Workers and employers should have a mutual trust and desire, the current (Government protected) practices of Big Biz is to get something and give back little and nothing. SHAME ON US FOR OUR LAZY APATHY. Thinking you are getting a good deal, yea right LOL. PS, Best Buy got me 3 years ago on a Logic cam rebate, still waiting. Never went to another Best Buy again.


Your logic?

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, August 14, 2005

What makes you think that they spend money on this delay process? Thats quite the statement you have made, do you have proof to back that up? It is true that Young America will for some clients, process items over the phone, but that is as per the client (Circuit City allows us to, Pepsi) however, Cingular/Verizon and alot of the phone companies would tell us not to process anything over the phone. Too bad soo sad for the customers without copies. As for how much it is to employ the employees answering the phones ... well, they are not there JUST to process you're rebate. And its a call centre, in Canada no less, cheaper than running it in the US. Hell, most of you're rebates mailed to Detroit, MI are young America clients and the mail is forwarded to a processing plant in Canada.


Your logic?

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, August 14, 2005

What makes you think that they spend money on this delay process? Thats quite the statement you have made, do you have proof to back that up? It is true that Young America will for some clients, process items over the phone, but that is as per the client (Circuit City allows us to, Pepsi) however, Cingular/Verizon and alot of the phone companies would tell us not to process anything over the phone. Too bad soo sad for the customers without copies. As for how much it is to employ the employees answering the phones ... well, they are not there JUST to process you're rebate. And its a call centre, in Canada no less, cheaper than running it in the US. Hell, most of you're rebates mailed to Detroit, MI are young America clients and the mail is forwarded to a processing plant in Canada.


Your logic?

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, August 14, 2005

What makes you think that they spend money on this delay process? Thats quite the statement you have made, do you have proof to back that up? It is true that Young America will for some clients, process items over the phone, but that is as per the client (Circuit City allows us to, Pepsi) however, Cingular/Verizon and alot of the phone companies would tell us not to process anything over the phone. Too bad soo sad for the customers without copies. As for how much it is to employ the employees answering the phones ... well, they are not there JUST to process you're rebate. And its a call centre, in Canada no less, cheaper than running it in the US. Hell, most of you're rebates mailed to Detroit, MI are young America clients and the mail is forwarded to a processing plant in Canada.


Your logic?

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, August 14, 2005

What makes you think that they spend money on this delay process? Thats quite the statement you have made, do you have proof to back that up? It is true that Young America will for some clients, process items over the phone, but that is as per the client (Circuit City allows us to, Pepsi) however, Cingular/Verizon and alot of the phone companies would tell us not to process anything over the phone. Too bad soo sad for the customers without copies. As for how much it is to employ the employees answering the phones ... well, they are not there JUST to process you're rebate. And its a call centre, in Canada no less, cheaper than running it in the US. Hell, most of you're rebates mailed to Detroit, MI are young America clients and the mail is forwarded to a processing plant in Canada.


CompUSA / Young America delay method

#7Author of original report

Tue, May 31, 2005

Apparently Young America company spends it's time and money on this delay method. You can call and the customer service people just correct the error over the phone and resubmit. Amazing if you ask me. I didn't even need to resend the documents. I should see something in 8 to 10 weeks, if not I should call. We'll just have to wait and see. You would think it would cost more to employee all these people than to actually send the money.

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