  • Report:  #7271

Complaint Review: Capital Credit Alliance - Las Vegas Nevada

Reported By:
- Lake Park, FL,

Capital Credit Alliance
P.O. Box 18400 Las Vegas, 89114-8400 Nevada, U.S.A.
1-800-277-7056 OR 1-702-7
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
PLEASE DON'T FALL FOR THIS SCAM!!! I rec'd a telephone call from a telemarketer stating that I was approved for credit card (no limit stated) which would be mailed to me. However, I had to accept special voice mail service for low $12.95 month (twice what phone company charges).

Monthly service charge would be charged to my checking account or directly to telephone. I declined offer.

A week later received credit card from CCA (NV) with credit limit of $6,500. Immediately flags went off.

Tried calling their toll-free number to no avail. Checked interenet and came many complaints listed at badcreditbusiness.com. Please don't fall for this!!!

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