  • Report:  #23442

Complaint Review: BestBuy - Bloomington Illinois

Reported By:
- Bloomington, IL,

Bloomington, IL Bloomington, Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I had purchased an Olympus, Digital Camera from BestBuy, and wihin a matter of a one month it stopped working.

I returned to the store, and was told I would receive a replacement camera, well wouldn't you know it, it was no longer, carried by the store. But they had a lesser Model, that they would give me, that was $50.00 cheaper than the camera I had purchased, and did not have the features I wanted. They did have a camera for $50.00 more than what mine had cost, with the features I wanted, I asked them if I could just pay the diffrence and was told that that model was not available yet, it was only a display, that it could not be sold.

I then asked to talk to the store manager, who just happened to be out of the store and unavailable, I left my home phone number, with the person, who identified herself as the Dept manager.

I never heard back from them and ended up at my expense sending the camera back to olympus for repairs.


Bloomington, Illinois

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