  • Report:  #1227

Complaint Review: Best Buy - St Petersburg Florida

Reported By:
- st pete, fl,

Best Buy
Tyrone St Petersburg, 33710 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
How do you get your money refunded for a in home warranty at

Best Buy? I spent a extra $100 for a in home warranty at Best Buy because it was such a good service as per the salesman.It is

for my computer.The first few monthes all I had was problems with

it which there answer for is always RESTORE RESTORE RESTORE!!

One of there reps told me they resolve the problems over the

phone they don't come to your home.So why did I pay this money?

I don't think Best buy is any better then Circuit City.

Do they think we are a bunch of mindless saps?!!

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