  • Report:  #419555

Complaint Review: Best Buy / Retail Services / HSBC Retail Services - Carol Stream Illinois

Reported By:
- Carl Junction, Missouri,

Best Buy / Retail Services / HSBC Retail Services
bestbuy.com Carol Stream, 60197 Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
For several years, I have been a good Best Buy card holder. About the middle of last year, my finances were so difficult that I simply did not have the money to make even a minimum payment. I believe I missed the one payment completely, and was late on the next month's payment.

Best Buy complained. I borrowed money to make the amount they requested, which, as I recall, was almost double the minimum payment. They called, and were informed of my situation. I do not have a full time job; I am currently working for temporary agencies. In my single weekly assignment, I make less than $25 a week. I occasionally get called to assist the local hotel/convention center with banquets, and when I have money, I send them a payment. I have told them all of this.

Best Buy's reaction to this has been to continue to harass me and my family by phone, usually calling several times a day, and to continue to send me letters, threatening this or that. One letter requested a payment of almost $400, obviously far outside what I can afford, what any of my family can afford.

I had 25 hours the week before last, so I'm sending them $25 today, plus a certified letter so they will stop hounding/harassing my family and me by phone.

I have no problems with the local store, the staff and the Geek Squad have been really great to me through the years. But the company's credit division is poorly managed. It refuses to work with the card holder and seems to enjoy harassing them and their families.


Carl Junction, Missouri


5 Updates & Rebuttals


Carl Junction,
To reply...update

#2Author of original report

Mon, February 23, 2009

Drawtaru - I had an account shield for quite a while, interesting how it disappeared when it was needed. I told them about it, and they refused to even look it up, or tell me when I had discontinued it, if I have. You were right about HSBC - that is the bank Best Buy uses. Flynrider - thanks so much for stating the obvious. Always good to read helpful answers. (heavy on the sarcasm.) Because of your reply, I assumed at first that you were a troll. Then I learned something from your replies to the Chase and the Advanta reports, so I apologize to you for that. I did get the calls to stop, and received a collections letter today (2/23/09) from HSBC.


This is what happens

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, February 06, 2009

When you don't pay your bills. You had an agreement with HSBC to pay a given amount on a given date and you're not doing that. Your personal circumstances don't really enter into it. Everyone who can't pay has a reason. Unfortunately, when you made the agreement to borrow, there wasn't a "I'll pay unless I'm out of work" clause in the contract. HSBC is merely doing what any creditor does when they don't get paid. Forget the certified letter. HSBC is the primary creditor and does not have to stop bothering you if you don't pay. Your pretty much stuck with this unless they sell the debt to a collection agency (where your certified letter will work) or the debt is dimissed in a bankruptcy. HSBC tends to be a bit more aggresive in their attempts to collect, but overall, this is pretty much what you can expect from most creditors that don't get paid on time.


Johnson City,
Account Shield

#4UPDATE Employee

Fri, February 06, 2009

Account Shield is a service that is offered by Household Bank, INC. which is the company that Best Buy finances through. Account Shield is a service that handles the balance on your card if you're unable to pay under a situation such as losing your job or becoming disabled. Household Bank, INC. and Best Buy offer this service at the time that you apply for the car, and we always recommend that you get this added service, as you never know when it will come in handy. However, I believe that this complaint is misfiled, because it's actually Household Bank, INC. that is giving you a hard time and not actually Best Buy itself. Before I was an employee of Best Buy, I had the credit card through the store, and was unable to pay it off; I recieved harassing phone calls as well, but they were from Household Bank, INC. and later from a collection agency, and not from Best Buy itself.


Johnson City,
Account Shield

#5UPDATE Employee

Fri, February 06, 2009

Account Shield is a service that is offered by Household Bank, INC. which is the company that Best Buy finances through. Account Shield is a service that handles the balance on your card if you're unable to pay under a situation such as losing your job or becoming disabled. Household Bank, INC. and Best Buy offer this service at the time that you apply for the car, and we always recommend that you get this added service, as you never know when it will come in handy. However, I believe that this complaint is misfiled, because it's actually Household Bank, INC. that is giving you a hard time and not actually Best Buy itself. Before I was an employee of Best Buy, I had the credit card through the store, and was unable to pay it off; I recieved harassing phone calls as well, but they were from Household Bank, INC. and later from a collection agency, and not from Best Buy itself.


Johnson City,
Account Shield

#6UPDATE Employee

Fri, February 06, 2009

Account Shield is a service that is offered by Household Bank, INC. which is the company that Best Buy finances through. Account Shield is a service that handles the balance on your card if you're unable to pay under a situation such as losing your job or becoming disabled. Household Bank, INC. and Best Buy offer this service at the time that you apply for the car, and we always recommend that you get this added service, as you never know when it will come in handy. However, I believe that this complaint is misfiled, because it's actually Household Bank, INC. that is giving you a hard time and not actually Best Buy itself. Before I was an employee of Best Buy, I had the credit card through the store, and was unable to pay it off; I recieved harassing phone calls as well, but they were from Household Bank, INC. and later from a collection agency, and not from Best Buy itself.

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