  • Report:  #943

Complaint Review: Bassett Direct Furniture - Baltimore Maryland

Reported By:
- Randallstown, Md.,

Bassett Direct Furniture
6212 Baltimore National Pke Baltimore, 21228 Maryland, U.S.A.
410 869-0900
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
On Oct.6,1999,I purchased a dining room set,which included a table and foru chairs. When making the decision to purchase I questioned the sales persons that assiste me about the size of the furniture for the room it was going into. Because I was not sure of the measurements my concerned was whether it would fit. My statement to both of them was,If it does not fit could it be returned for exchange or credit;they both advsd me yes no problem . The set arrived on Nov. 18,1999,and of course to my dismay it did not fit, in the room for comfortable dining. I proceeded to contact Bassett Direct furniture which is located at 6212 Baltimore National Pke. in Baltimore Md.,this is where the transaction or purchase was made. When contacting the customer service representative and advising her that I was not satisfied with the merchandise firstly because it did not fit the room it was intended for and it had unfinished flaws in the table top,the chairs were also stained being refered to the manager by then,I was told that I could not return it and that they would send a repair technician to repair the damage. Why should I have to keep damaged furniture that does not fit comfortably for my family to enjoy?

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