  • Report:  #24806

Complaint Review: AMR LD - Irvine California

Reported By:
- San Francisco, CA,

14252 Culver Drive #A Suite 158 Irvine, 92619 California, U.S.A.
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I did not subscribe to this "long distance service plan" as described in my credit card statement. I thought this was a one-time $48.79 charge and had my credit card company reverse the charge but in my credit card statement this month (July) I was charged $48.79 again. My credit card company was good enough to reverse the charge again and I told the customer representative to tell their management to look into ripoffreport.com to find out more about AMR LD making fraudulent charges. Carmen San Francisco, California

CLICK HERE: Rip-off Report uncovers who's who and who you need to contact to get a refund

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