  • Report:  #49101

Complaint Review: Adrain WilsonRoger Martin And Dnny Terrell - Maplesville , Selma, Plantersville Alabama

Reported By:
- Orrville, Alabama,

Adrain WilsonRoger Martin And Dnny Terrell
2846 CO. Rd.322,3202 Licoln Drive,10515 Co. Rd. 63 Maplesville , Selma, Plantersville, 36750,36702,36758 Alabama, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
These SOB'S are taking junkyard cars and placing them back on the streets.We were sold a car that had been junked for about two years.The SOB is now taking in water like a dry sponge.They have been pulling this trick all over the city. By the time we were aware of what was going on,it was to late. We had been hooked by the crooks.

If I can help anyone not go through this problem I will. The car also had no motor mounts to hold the motor in place. The doors had to be replaced. The cars now smell of mold and mildew.These bastards have been doing this for awhile.The car now sit here in the driveway falling apart. The front and back bumper, side panel,and back and front floor boards can hold enough water for you to take a shower.

Help me to get these bastards off the streets and out of business.A vehicle that could have killed myself or my children.These people knowly put this vehicle back on the streets in this condition.This story could have had a different outcome.To anyone who reads this. If you know these RUN LIKE HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Orrville, Alabama

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