  • Report:  #1533620

Complaint Review: Westlake Financial - Los Angeles California

Reported By:
Jenny - Oregon House, California , United States

Westlake Financial
4751 Wilshire Blvd Ste 100 Los Angeles, 90010 California, United States
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On 7/24/2024 my auto loan was refinanced at a lower interest rate. Westlake Financial Services is giving me a hassle in obtaining the cancellation money for the Gap coverage and Extended Warranty coverage I was on the phone with them for 4 hours getting excuses. At one point telling me the new lender had to pay what Westlake Financial Services owed me. They didn't hesitate to deduct $441.00 a month for the last year. So I have to wait 21 business days to obtain the Gap coverage cancellation money. Next week another battle over the extended warranty refund. If you need to obtain a car loan go to Hughes Federal Credit Union I did interest rate went from 16% to 9.45%

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