  • Report:  #1487689

Complaint Review: Wellness Program Services LLC DBA Trusii - Davie Florida

Reported By:
Anna - Houston, Texas, United States

Wellness Program Services LLC DBA Trusii
12555 Orange Drive. Bldg. #4041 Davie, 33330 Florida, United States
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Trusii makes an agreement with me and several hudreds of others to participate in their case study program. We need to fill out their monthly questionaire and post positive feedback on certain social medias, in return we'll get the water machine for free, since they will send monthly check to cover the loan we have made to the bank they designated.

After several payments the check stopped. They said it was on the way but never got to me. Then the machine broke and no response from the company. Then they stopped the monthly questionaires. Now they asked us to pay them back the money they have sent to our bank!!

Now I'm stuck with w $9700 loan and a broken machine!!! The bank has called me day and night, and Trusii sent email and letter for their payment! I'm so stressed and my credit score is at huge risk, along with the $1000 I've already paid out of my own pocket to cover the monthly payment supposed from Trusii! What a ripoff and scam!!!

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