  • Report:  #1520228

Complaint Review: Voyage Media - Los Angeles California

Reported By:
David - New Braunfels, United States

Voyage Media
1601 Wilshire Blvd 5th Floor Los Angeles, 90025 California, United States
(310) 392-4180
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

This group touts they have producers and screen-writers to assist in getting your story to film production and seek funding for the project. After paying $1000 for services it took 2 months for a 'writer' to read my book and give a terse summary to a producer. When the Pitch-a producer phone call finally happened, it was obvious he was not familiar with the content of the book. I had to tell the entire story during the call. I paid $600 for a "Book add-on" so the book would be read and speak for itself.

The covers of the book said more about the story than the producer was aware of when we spoke by phone. If an individual actually read the book they missed most of the most critical aspects of the non-fiction account. The producer was genuine-but what he had to work with was a droll uneventful summary given to him by 'who knows who.' 

If you want to pitch-a-producer-use your money wisely and send copies of the book to targeted producers or just get your story out. Voyage Media took the money but did not deliver the goods. I'm not insulted by an honest opinion about the book-but I AM insulted nobody really read it to report the details.

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