After years of automatic payments, my wife's credit card got lost & re-issued w. another number so automatic payments didn't go through. I didn't get any notices from VCA CareClub. But by the time I called, fully ready to pay whatever was owed & give them my new card payment, the (very rude) "customer service" person told me that there would be a $50 sign up charge. I did not pay based on principle and my 30 years working in the business world, understanding best practices in Customer Service.
I have been going to the VCA bringing Bella (17.5 years), Tai (9.5 years) and now Minne (3.5 years). We incurred roughly $15k in bills treating Tai's cancer. We're taking Minnie to a cardiovascular doctor (Orange County VCA) and have run a huge bill there also. So I'm not usually one to argue over $50 except if there is principle involved and somebody is being very rude to me.