  • Report:  #1495872

Complaint Review: uobdii - Shenzhen Guangdong

Reported By:
Thomas - Rupert, United States

No.115-1, Xintang East District, Dakang Community, Henggang Street, Longgang District Shenzhen, 518115 Guangdong, China
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Uobdii return-policy states they will pay return shipping on items received broken.  They will not.  Received an expensive unit that would reboot unexpectantly, throw 'processor halt' errors, freeze so often it was entirely unusable.  After working with Uobd2 customer service for over a week they finally admitted the unit was faulty.

They refused to do anything about the received faulty unit unless I supplied the almost $100 return shipping charges; of which their return-policy specifically states would be covered.  Don't expect uobd2 to honor any guarantee.

Also; their "Customer Reviews" are moderated (removal of any bad ones).  I left a review only to see it removed the next day.

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