  • Report:  #1533605

Complaint Review: Totalfleet.us - Abbington Massachusetts

Reported By:
Phil - Saugus, United States

Abbington, Massachusetts, United States
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Total fleet illegally entered my property to retrieve my vehicle. When I told the driver that wasn't allowed in this state his answer was that law doesn't pertain to my credit union. So then I spoke to Dave the manager and then lied to me and said leased vehicles don't fall under Massachusetts law. Then after I verified through my attorney that wasn't true, Dave then referred to me a non functioning toll free number. Thirdly i received a text message from total fleet saying my phone was recorded and flagged, which was another lie. Just lie after lie with this company 

1 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, August 04, 2024

Either get a new attorney or STOP LYING to make yourself look good. Under a CAR FLEASE in your state, the repo is legal. In fact, under a CAR FLEASE, in Massachusetts the 10 day notice for financed vehicles IS NOT APPLICABLE. You deadbeats have one excuse after another and you all think you are legal experts because it's always an "illegal repo".

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