  • Report:  #1534242

Complaint Review: Synchrony Bank - Internet

Reported By:
Mariah - Phoenix, United States

Synchrony Bank
Internet, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I have an almost perfect credit score of 825 and Synchrony Bank is beyond Loan sharking me with a 23% interest rate? They are illegally charging me with my credit score of 825 and Synchrony Bank is charging me 29.99% interest; and a person I recently spoke to who went Bankrupt is only paying 21.9% interest?  (This is criminal) and the Federal Government needs to get involved. 

2 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
Hey There, Attorney

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, September 16, 2024

 Please tell us exactly what laws they are violating by setting whatever APR they have!


United States
LOL what?

#3General Comment

Sun, September 15, 2024

 They can charge whatever interest rate they want. Certainly 30% is legal (although that's a penalty interest rate for deadbeats who don't pay on time). If you don't like it, refinance with someone who can offer you a lower rate. If your credit score is really 825, that won't be difficult.

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