They are evil people and will try to ruin your credit score by making up a claim on a debt that never existed and put that onto your credit report which will stay there for 7 years and they have a habit of bullying random people with their tactics.
1. Calling and spamming your phone at all hours of the day from spoofed numbers.
2. Calling at strange hours.
3. Failing to verify debt.
4. Calling your friends and family.
Never pay them, we didn't and you can file a report to your district attorney's office and an FTC report.
You have rights.
Absolutely vile, psychopathic, filth operation and should be taken down, they have been sued many times for harassment and deceptive practices.
Florida,#2Consumer Comment
Wed, September 08, 2021
If all what you’re saying is true, put it into contest with the credit bureaus. They will investigate and require this creditor to supply proof. If they can’t or won’t, it gets removed from your credit file and it’s all FREE!