  • Report:  #1519175

Complaint Review: Steve Strickland - Leesburg Florida

Reported By:
Tom - Holly Springs, United States

Steve Strickland
101 East Sterling Way Leesburg, Florida, United States
(407) 529-4062
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I found Steve and his add on Facebook Market Place.  I contacted him and left a deposit half the cost of the pontoon trailer via Zelle.  He told me the trailer would be completed in a month.  I started to contact him to follow up and get an idea of when it would be delivered, first he told me he would get back to me.  Then he told me was in the hospital and then we wouldn't return my texts or voicemail.  First contact with this man was on 5/19 and expected delivery was 6/19.

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