  • Report:  #1533103

Complaint Review: 98.5 The Sports Hub - Waltham MA

Reported By:
Alex Trupress - United States

98.5 The Sports Hub
1075 Main Street Suite 300 Waltham, 02451 MA, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

98.5 The Sports Hub, owned by the Beasley Media Group, on a consistent and daily basis, misleads its audience by conjuring up what they likes to call "hot sports takes" which are nothing more than fuel-filled trollings and gaslit statements designed to attain and retain an audience based on NO facts, NO information, and NO truth.

Most of this is overseen and encouraged by Rhode Islander, Program Director Jim Louth, who has used his position to attempt to carry out his childhood fantasy of rooting for his hometown Boston teams, and promote any, and every, criminal Rhode Islander he can, of which, convienently, that criminality is swept under the rug.

These show, with varying degrees of accountability for these actions, operate, self-admittedly, without "any sources, references, I dont speak to anybody and nobody speaks to me". The shows are basically an attempt to say whatever they can to try to rile up the supposed fan base to grow ratings and sell commericals...but without and fact or inside information or sources. Again, admittedly so by the hosts themselves on-air.

This is not being fans, its not fanatisism, its tribalism.

When a team, or player, regardless of whether you root for that team, or its your job to talk about that team, conducts itself in an inappropriate way, or players or individuals on those teams conduct themselves in inappropriate, or criminal, ways, it is your job as media to acknowledge it as so and not promote them.

985 The Sport Hub is simply a money grab. And they shift their audience between themselves and WEEI (who behave in a similar manner as the host comingle shows in the same market) based upon which station says the most outrageous, and of course, not predicated by facts or sources, statements that benefit themselves as on-air personalities and as a company and sweep any facts of wrongdoing that harms their narrative under the rug.

Wake up, sheepeople.

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