  • Report:  #1503355

Complaint Review: Sears Home Services - Golden CO

Reported By:
Robert - Golden, CO, United States

Sears Home Services
Golden, CO, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Sears Home Services Sears We bought a Frigidaire refrigerator from the local Lakewood, store, when they were still open. We also paid for a long-term service agreement. When my fridge started making a loud grinding noise, I called . They told me that it would be about a month before they could get around to coming out to my home. They scheduled my "repair appointment" for about 30 days out. Yesterday, I was notified by email that my repair appointment was tomorrow.

Today I was notified that it was today, from 1-5 PM. In the meantime, the grinding noise was so loud that I paid for a local refrigerator repair person to come fix it. He did son and resolved the problem of the shrieking fridge for about $95. That was two weeks ago. We still wanted the repair guy to come out so the could check out the appliance and answer questions. I waited at home, starting at 1 PM.

At about 3 PM, I checked my email and found a notice that I needed to call to reschedule. When I called, I was given three options:

1.) The problem had resolved itself,

2.) That we had already had the problem repaired or

3.) that we could call in to reschedule. This is one month after the problem began. is absolutely the worst when it comes to customer service. is out of business in most locations, as far as I can see. Golden CO

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