  • Report:  #1518291

Complaint Review: Riling Burkhead & Nitcher - Lawrence KS

Reported By:
Warrior Mashiachiym - Lincoln, NE, United States

Riling Burkhead & Nitcher
808 Massachusetts St. Lawrence, 66044 KS, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I noticed a certified mail letter that was to arrive May 9th, 2022, from Riling, Burkhead & Nitcher that required a signature for delivery confirmation.  After doing research on the company, the attorneys are incompetent in their practice of law because a signature is not required. 

Anyways, I think this is a time barred debt from LegalShield or something like it, and I never heard of the company at all, so I think they are trying to steal from me without having a contract and proper jurisdiction.  

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