  • Report:  #1517456

Complaint Review: Redbubble -

Reported By:
An Artist - United States

United States
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I've been a designer with products on Redbubble for some time now and have learned what a bad, scam-ridden company they are.  You can find many videos about this on Youtube. If you have any respect for designers and artists trying to make a living, do NOT buy anything from this site.  Find the artist's designs somewhere else to purchase.

The more money you give them, the more they can rip people off.

The site allows spam sellers to upload thousands of cheap and quick designs, creating account after account to make a quick buck and are allowed free reign to make anything.  However, hardworking artists and designers who put care into the products they make are constantly harassed, have pictures and products pulled down for no reason, have their accounts and money owed stolen, again for no reason, and Redbubble makes excuse after excuse for their mistreament of artists.

Spam sellers will sell copyrighted movie posters, screenshots from films, tv, books, comics, and anywhere else they find something trendy but infringing, and Redbubble will let them sell any of these things without question.

But when lower teir, more casual designers have even a word that "allegedly" relates to something else or is "suspected" of violating some vague rule, it's ripped down, deleted, and they will not listen to any logical repsonse and will not ever admit they are wrong, or release money they've already made from anything already printed.

This company makes all of it's money scamming, harassing, and treating artists and designers badly until they give up and leave, Redbubble will keep the money they made from selling that artist's work, and will allow the other shady accounts to steal and copy those works and sell them without a second thought.

Redbubble should not be in business anymore.  They are liars and scammers.

Please buy print products, shirts, mugs, all of those things, on other reputable and honest companies sites!

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