  • Report:  #1534251

Complaint Review: PayPal / Synchrony Bank - Philadelhia PA

Reported By:
Screwed by PayPal and Synchrony Bank - BEWARE! - Lost, United States

PayPal / Synchrony Bank
PO BOX 71726 Philadelhia, 19176-1726 PA, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

PayPal/Synchrony arbitrarily closed my account I've had for 30 years.

The account has ALWAYS been in Good Standing and my payments are generally double or triple the Minimum Payment. This was the only  purchasing vehicle I would use online including purchasing supplies for my Mother suffering from Dementia. I now can not continue to help her.

Banks are taking over our lives and only want to hurt Consumers with continually higher Interest Rates and Higher Minimum Payments. They want to CRUSH the middle class while the enrich the Wealthy Elite!

This country is DONE!


2 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
Big BooBoo ROR

#2Author of original report

Sun, September 22, 2024

 The rebuttal goes to a different complaint not mine about Synchrony Bank. Incorrect post!


United States
Sounds like a lot of whining

#3General Comment

Wed, September 18, 2024

 Boohoo, you got a returned saw. First, it didn't occur to you to inspect the box in the store? If I saw something that was taped together I would have asked them to give me a new one, or I would have opened it and made sure everything was there. That said, they don't owe you anything except a new unit and/or replacement of any missing parts. Why would they have to deliver a new saw to you? That makes no sense. They certainly don't owe you anything for your supposed inconvenience. Honestly, I would have just voided the transaction and banned you as a customer. And you can't download the manual from the website? Really?

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