  • Report:  #1526591

Complaint Review: Noel Meza San Diego Attoreny - Los Angeles CA

Reported By:
Terry - Los Angeles, CA, United States

Noel Meza San Diego Attoreny
402 West Broadway Suite 1025 Los Angeles, 92101 CA, United States
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Report Attachments

San Diego Churches Employ Noel Meza and Nicolas Echevestre at Greene & Roberts law firm are now defending the San Diego Diocese against dozens of child molestation lawsuits.

It has been reported the attorneys have now published the names of victims in the public record which is against the court’s order and against California law. The objective of putting a victim’s name into the public record is to dissuade that person from pursuing claims through embarrassment and shame.  These tactics are used to frustrate the plaintiff’s attorneys from pursuing cases.

However, such tactics appear to be consistent with the conduct of the attorneys Greene & Roberts hires. For example, a review of Noel Meza appears to have been arrested after hosting a party for minors in San Diego. One person was stabbed in that case. Being the first born in the United States, Noel was grateful for employment with a local law firm. A search of the Court of Appeal in San Diego shows he has never handled a single appellate case. Reports indicate San Diego attorney Noel Meza was in the last 5% of his class at the low tier law school he graduated from.

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Highlands Ranch,
United States

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, May 27, 2023

Is available at this site. Just type in 261157 and it appears in Consumer Comment #16 at Ripoff Report #261157.

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Good luck to you!

P.S. PROTESTER SONG 164 will be submitted in the comments section at Ripoff Report #476868 soon.

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