The so-called "frost free" Gardenia plant arrived with spider mites, leaves turning mottled, blackened and then all leaves dropped off. When I unpotted it, it was completely root bound. I followed all of their instructions for planting, but it died anyway. I took pictures of the dead plant as proof. Their only "solution" was to give me a discount on a new plant, which I would have to purchase. When I asked for a full refund of $127.19, the cost of the Gardenia plant itself, they refused. When I complained to the States' Attorney Generals Office, they ultimately closed the case, stating that they could not 'force' the vendor to pay. It is a DEPLORABLE business practice for a company to have a solution that means I have to pay AGAIN for the very item that was effectively "dead on arrival." Plants are LIVE and should be in pristine condition on arrival and not half dead or on a path to death. It was clear that this plant sat in a plastic pot for months on end. This should be illegal.