  • Report:  #46109

Complaint Review: National Home Employment Services - Internet

Reported By:
- Las Vegas, Nevada,

National Home Employment Services
www.nhes.net Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Not a bank error .....

The NHES is a rip off and it is not bank errors... I had a check cashed in November for the 39.95 and tried to rectify it through them. No response. I balanced my bank statement for January and all of a sudden here is the same check but for 29.95. Go to your bank the minute you find this and file a descrepancy with them so they can place a stop payment on that check.

it's funny but the site was down this weekend and now it is back up.. go look and now I found all the clues that it si a ripoff.. no business address to be found.. on the application part it has for you to click and mail the application if you don't have a checking account. I looked couldn't find the button.

They took advantage of me when I was down and desperate and now I am going after them. I'll keep all of the other victims posted. It could get interesting as there will be attorneys involved and BIG companies!


Las Vegas, Nevada

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