  • Report:  #1517453

Complaint Review: Mojo Global - Scottsdale Arizona

Reported By:
Kesondra Drayse - Nanaimo, BC, Canada

Mojo Global
4343 N Scottsdale road Scottsdale, 85251 Arizona, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
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The expensive parts of this were not completed

Ira Rosen and Cory Michael Sanchez have found a way to scam people and get away with it. Read the numerous complaints on BBB.org HELP STOP THEM! My $5000 paid for Cory's holiday and he rubbed it in my face.

The majority of the good reviews are written by the staff (they admitted it to me) Ira, Cory, and Victor lied that they could create professional marketing materials for my new business. They made a few basic materials on canva that were not what we agreed on.

They have never fulfilled the contract and are very evasive when questioned by anyone. Ira makes false promises and Cory yells and is verbally abusive when he is questioned. Please contact the Arizona attorney general to join my request for an investigation.


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