  • Report:  #1492573

Complaint Review: Modern RTA Cabinets - Miami FL

Reported By:
julie - port sanilac, MI, United States

Modern RTA Cabinets
They claim to have a store front but there is nothing there. Miami, FL, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I worked with the designer (and later I found out the owner) Patrick to design my kitchen.  He will quickly return your calls and emails UNTIL HE GETS YOUR MONEY, and then you will get nothing but crickets.   We designed my kitchen, with several versions, and they were quick to respond.  

I ordered November 6th 2019, and was told 4 weeks.  I checked in, in December and was told due to holiday, shipment would not happen until the 1st week in Jan.  I was fine with that........Holidays tend to disrupt production.  In January, my calls stopped being answered.  In February my emails stopped being answered.  

I was sent a form email the third week of February telling me that my cabinets were complete, and would ship.  What a relief right?  So I checked in on Monday for a tracking number..........no response.  I know full well that a tracking number is issued with every shipment.  If no one can provide it, then the cabinets never shipped.  After calling and emailing over 10 times I finally get a response, that if I'm willing to wait 7 to 10 more days, they will HAVE MY CABINETS PRODUCED!!!  

They haven't even started them, and have LIED to me SEVERAL times that they were "under production"  "almost finished"  "on the production floor"  "waiting on one piece"........no joke!  This is an $19,000 order and I have gotten nothing but lies and B.S.  

They obviously have me blocked on their caller id.  No one will answer my call no matter how many times a day I call, how many VMs I leave, or how I beg and plead.  We have been without a kitchen in my house since December 15th.  Can you imagine?  

I have contacted the BBB, my attorney, local law officials, but don't bother contacting Miami.....wherever they really are, no one knows, their address on their website is fake.  There is no storefront there.  It looks like they have put some work into blocking bad online reviews.....but if you dig long enough you can find them and there are MANY just like mine.  I just wish I would have found them prior to ordering.  

So as of March 6th, 2020, (4 months since I ordered to the day) No Kitchen, No Kitchen Cabinets, No refund, No call, No email with an explanation, or attempt to work out the situation.  This company is a joke, thieves, fake, and much much worse. Do not use them.

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