  • Report:  #1533675

Complaint Review: Mechanical Air Conditioning - Riviera Beach Fl

Reported By:
Milton - Fl, United States

Mechanical Air Conditioning
8050 Monetary Drive Riviera Beach, 33404 Fl, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Mechanical Air is beyond terrible. They lie about their arrival times, don't show up, and never bother to call. For over three weeks, we've been waiting for them to fix our AC, with constant no-shows and zero communication.

 Today was the final insult. They promised to arrive first thing in the morning, but once again, no one showed up, and there was no notification. When we finally reached them, they casually said it was rescheduled without informing us.

 This company doesn't care about their customers at all. Their unprofessionalism and lack of basic decency are staggering.

3 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
Small claims

#2General Comment

Fri, August 09, 2024

 You could have someone else fix it and sue them in small claims court for the cost. Just make sure to document all your interactions with them and the various delays and no-shows.


United States
Extended warranty

#3Author of original report

Thu, August 08, 2024

 Yes, I’ve purchased the air conditioning from them approximately four years ago and it was under warranty part and labor through them so yes, you are correct once you buy the extended warranty take a care less and keep pushing you off


United States

#4General Comment

Thu, August 08, 2024

 I would have called someone else the first time they no-showed. Is there a shortage of HVAC companies where you are? Or let me guess, you have a home warranty and that's who they sent. Guess what, home warranties barely pay these people so they have absolutely zero reason to show up if it's inconvenient or they have a more profitable job lined up. On top of everything, home warranty contractors are usually completely incompetent. And home warranty companies operate by prolonging the suffering until you give up and call somebody else, after which they can deny your claim.

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