  • Report:  #1510452

Complaint Review: Mark Ahl aka Mark Edward Ahl Ultimate Credit Repair of Texas - Houston Texas

Reported By:
A.W Darnel - Philadelphia , PA, United States

Mark Ahl aka Mark Edward Ahl Ultimate Credit Repair of Texas
5315-B Cypress Creek Parkway #340 Houston, TX  77069-4410 Houston, 77069-4410 Texas, United States
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Report Attachments

Mark Ahl aka Mark Edward Ahl has been posting various craigslist ads online in many major american city locations. He claims that he can get clients offshore funding loans from overseas sources instead of american or canadian banking institutions without red tape and even help people with low credit scores(credit repair)to qualify for loan funding.

Long story short, I answered one of his advertisements on the NYC craigslist website location and was instructed to send (email) him a credit report copy and express mail a $600 money order to his business address due to my low fico scores in order to qualify for funding. As time passed on 2 weeks later down the line, I've noticed that he stopped answering my phone calls, text messages, and emails. This con artist scumbag even had the audacity to block my phone calls, and he also turned off his phone number when I threatened to take decisive legal action against him.

Since then I've had to file a police report for identity theft and sign up for life lock identity theft protection services to make sure my information isn't being used for fraudulent purposes. I'm currently in the process of hiring an attorney to track him down and file criminal charges and a lawsuit against him for identity theft. If you see any of mark's ads online or his affiliates that maybe connected to him, please red flag them down for fraud, and notify the corporate offices immediately.

Ripoffreport Report Image

The FTC and federal authorities will be notified as well so that he cannot inflict anymore harm against unsuspecting people that maybe unaware of his nefarious scamming con artist intentions. Be careful out there folks, you've been warned!!!!!

2 Updates & Rebuttals

A.W Darnel

Philadelphia ,
United States
Rebuttal reply to Irv

#2Author of original report

Sat, July 31, 2021

 First off sir I didn't apply for any CPN and I had no intentions on defrauding anyone. When I spoke to the customer service representative Mark on the phone, I had low credit scores so he suggested that I get credit repair service before I could qualify for any funding from his company.

Long story short the money order that was mailed to him was reported stolen and it's only a matter of time before he's caught and charged with identity theft and fraudulent deceptive financial practices. Please get your facts straight before you start ignorantly commenting on something that you clearly know nothing about. Remember I was the victim that was scammed here, not him!!!


United States
Ain’t Too Swift, Eh???

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, July 30, 2021

 Everybody with half a brain knows advance fee "loans” are a scam! EVERYBODY! There is no such thing as "credit repair” either. You say this place defrauded you out of $600, right? What you wanted to do is pay somebody to create a FAKE CREDIT FILE for you so that YOU COULD DEFRAUD LENDERS! You lost $600 by fraud? Isn’t that SUCH A SHAME!

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