On February 4 2021 I purchased 3 sets of Berkey PF-2 water filters. I paid $195 or $65 per set. I was informed that they were not in stock and I would have to wait to receive my order. In early march I contacted the seller about my order and was informed that they were running a little bit behind and that I would receive my order soon. Within 2 weeks from the last time I contacted them, I received 2 sets of the filters.
I immediately contacted them to find out where the rest of my order was. They told me they had to ration out what filters they had and that I would receive the rest of my order soon. In early April I contacted them again to ask where the rest of my order was. I was informed they would be mailing it the following monday. A couple weeks later I still had not received the rest of my order. So I contacted them again and told them I was done and I wanted a refund of my money for the set I had not received. They said that was fine and that my paypal account would be credited within a few days. To this date I have not received my refund or the water filters.