  • Report:  #1528783

Complaint Review: Laetitia Novembre - Miami Florida

Reported By:
Rachelle - Miami, United States

Laetitia Novembre
7900 NW 27 ave booth FZ38 Miami, 333142 Florida, United States
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My name is Grace a former employee of  My glam Beauty supply store.. she owed 7 weeks of pay and until now she never paid me back. She rather fired me then give me back my hard work money.. even customers always complained about her because she never gave them back their orders.. I worked for her past 3 years ago and I know how this woman is.. anyone that knows her and please stay away from her. Don't ever trust her products and they all came from Alibaba. She rather used all customers money to buy expensive bags, parties and travel on l*****n girls trips. She's a big time scammer and I'm filling lawsuit for work compensation. My law is working on my case right now. 

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