  • Report:  #1526167


Reported By:
Juline A. Kerr, PhD - Una, SC, United States

10495 Southwest Fwy Houston, 77074 TX, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
BluCurrent contract still unpaid as of 05042023
Sc nonprofit compromised by JP MORGAN CHASE
12/25/2022 SEC REPORT
11112022 FBI IC3 terrorism report NO STATUTE



1 Updates & Rebuttals

Juline A. Kerr, MBA

THEY TRIED TO KILL ME since 6/11/2018 after stealing my TEXAS HANDICAP TRUCK plus IDENTITY 4 count NO STATUTE Conspiracy to Murder, Terrorism, Crimes Against Humanity and Embezzlement Public Funds

#2Author of original report

Sun, May 26, 2024

IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT. FOR THE DISTRICT OF HAWAI`I. NANCY R. HENDERSON,. Plaintiff, vs. JIM FALK MOTORS OF MAUI, INC. et al (INCLUDING ENTERPRISE RENTAL CARS BAD BUSINESS PRACTICES) https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCOURTS-hid-1_14-cv-00079/pdf/USCOURTS-hid-1_14-cv-00079-0.pdf Connecticut Man Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy to Transport Stolen Goods (FALK HISTORY OF THIEVES) https://www.justice.gov/usao-nh/pr/connecticut-man-pleads-guilty-conspiracy-transport-stolen-goods  FINAL  05/25/2024 by JULINE A. KERR VIDEO https://t.me/KamalaHarris/10788?comment=78810 05/26/2024 => FAXED TO OCDC => REVISED =>!COMPLETE CASE!!! Against https://arborlodging.com https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-yxxWqYnxuegHwlomOHbi2OX6n4WHedt/view?usp=drivesdk 2024_MAY 26_FAX_OCDC_PRE-24-507_COMPLETE_CDC BAN lifted 07312021 but evicted 05062021FRAUD and LIES TO COURT and FBI_20240526-73428 CONTD https://t.me/KamalaHarris/10788?comment=78813 SHANNON KERR GETS NOTHING CUZ IM NOT DEAD!!! His name wasn't on the lease. He didn't live there and deal with all that trash. Therefore he gets nothing other THAN dirt floor W/ a seller door just like them. CDC COVID EVICTION BAN EXPIRED 07/31/2021 = I WAS ILLEGALLY EVICTED 05/06/2021 ACCORDING TO COURT RECORDS https://www.americanbar.org/groups/business_law/resources/business-law-today/2021-september/supreme-court-strikes-down-the-cdc/ https://nlihc.org/sites/default/files/Overview-of-National-Eviction-Moratorium.pdf LOWTHER & JOHNSON (CRESON & LOWTHER) GUILTY OF: 4/1/2024 #PRE-24-507 MO OFFICE OF CHIEF COUNCIL (50 Pages DONE) https://casetext.com/rule/missouri-court-rules/rules-governing-the-missouri-bar-and-the-judiciary/rule-4-rules-of-professional-conduct/rule-4-17-client-lawyer-relationship-conflict-of-interest-current-clients (a2) Rule 4-1.7 - Client-Lawyer Relationship - Conflict of Interest: Current Clients (a) Except as provided in Rule 4-1.7(b), a lawyer shall not represent a client if the representation involves a concurrent conflict of interest. A concurrent conflict of interest exists if: (1) the representation of one client will be directly adverse to another client; or (2) there is a significant risk that the representation of one or more clients will be materially limited by the lawyer's responsibilities to another client, a FORMER CLIENT, or a third person or by a personal interest of the lawyer. (MY MOTHER) (WHOLE) Rule 4-8.4 - Misconduct https://casetext.com/rule/missouri-court-rules/rules-governing-the-missouri-bar-and-the-judiciary/rule-4-rules-of-professional-conduct/rule-4-84-misconduct JAK = 5/25/2024 = they actually manipulated judges they lied to law enforcement. They lied to the FBI. They have broken every single rule under the misconduct, and they truly thought that they could get away with it. It is professional misconduct for a lawyer to: (a) violate or attempt to violate the Rules of Professional Conduct, knowingly assist or induce another to do so, or do so through the acts of another; (b) commit a criminal act that reflects adversely on the lawyer's honesty, trustworthiness, or fitness as a lawyer in other respects; (c) engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation. It shall not be professional misconduct for a lawyer for a criminal law enforcement agency, regulatory agency, or state attorney general to advise others about or to supervise another in an undercover investigation if the entity is authorized by law to conduct undercover investigations, and it shall not be professional misconduct for a lawyer employed in a capacity other than as a lawyer by a criminal law enforcement agency, regulatory agency, or state attorney general to participate in an undercover investigation, if the entity is authorized by law to conduct undercover investigations; (d) engage in conduct that is prejudicial to the administration of justice; (e) state or imply an ability to influence improperly a government agency or official or to achieve results by means that violate the Rules of Professional Conduct or other law; (f) knowingly assist a judge or judicial officer in conduct that is a violation of applicable rules of judicial conduct or other law; or (g) manifest by words or conduct, in representing a client, bias or prejudice, or engage in harassment, including but not limited to bias, prejudice, or harassment based upon race, sex, gender, gender identity, religion, national origin, ethnicity, disability, age, sexual orientation, or marital status. This Rule 4-8.4(g) does not preclude legitimate advocacy when race, sex, gender, gender identity, religion, national origin, ethnicity, disability, age, sexual orientation, marital status, or other similar factors, are issues. This paragraph does not limit the ability of a lawyer to accept, decline, or withdraw from a representation in accordance with Rule 4-1.16. Mo. R. Gov. Bar Jud. 4-8.4 https://injuryclaims.com/news/other/allstate-california-settlement?subid1=&subid2=Mass-Tort_PMAX&subid3=&subid4=&subid5=googleads&aid=1000&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAApxXhHTHfUVNkVnF0j6CRCxj418nV Allstate Settles For $25 Million Over California Premium Disputes Ashley Milano February 16th, 2024 Geico Georgia auto loss taxes $5.1M class action settlement (2014 - 2019 claims With mine STILL UNPAID) THIS happened in 2023 Geico Georgia auto loss taxes $5.1M class action settlement (https://topclassactions.com/lawsuit-settlements/closed-settlements/geico-georgia-auto-loss-taxes-5-1m-class-action-settlement/) https://topclassactions.com/lawsuit-settlements/closed-settlements/geico-georgia-auto-loss-taxes-5-1m-class-action-settlement/ Lawsuit alleges that AAA Wrongfully Terminated Ten Longtime AAA Employees to increase their profits at a time of record profits JAK => perhaps if they had done their job they wouldn’t of gotten fired. They don’t have a discrimination case or anything along those lines. They f**ked up in their job and didn’t do their job accordingly. https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/lawsuit-alleges-that-aaa-wrongfully-terminated-ten-longtime-aaa-employees-to-increase-their-profits-at-a-time-of-record-profits-302093787.html AAA Carolinas ERISA Lawsuit Settled for $500,000 JAK => THIS NEEDS TO BE OVERTHROWN BY USDOJ https://www.plansponsor.com/aaa-carolina-erisa-lawsuit-settled-500000/ 2024 TruStage Denies $380,000 Credit Union Fraud Claim Based on a 'Plastic Card/PIN' Exclusion Kinecta FCU alleges the insurance company breached its contract, arguing there were no exclusions. By Peter Strozniak (https://www.cutimes.com/author/profile/peter-strozniak/) | May 21, 2024 at 03:54 PM JAK => of course they’re denying it. They’ve been committing internal fraud from day one and I’m one of the victims of their internal fraud. They steal customer information in order to pay their employees and they got that n onsense from Shannon KERR PIPEPIGS.com Oh. https://www.cutimes.com/2024/05/21/trustage-denies-380000-credit-union-fraud-claim-based-on-a-plastic-cardpin-exclusion/?slreturn=2024052573600 https://t.me/KamalaHarris/10788?comment=78784 2024_MAY 24_Re Zintentional NEGLECT AT32001971 SHELTER AUTO INSURANCE CLAIM WITH SC USA ECONOMY HOTEL.pdf https://drive.google.com/file/d/186CfZkvpmWdmEx7_VMrZc4WfJ8XsO9aA/view?usp=drivesdk 2024_MAY 24_Re Medical identity theft Mary Black Hospital SC PRISMA SC Bon Secours & MO Cox medical https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zyKbO6UTCIU0g98BkTitu-Z4G5iO89Ut/view?usp=drivesdk This document right here that I just got from Geico proves two things they paid Shannon Kerr back in 2018 and it also proves that they are intentionally disregarding all 30+ police reports and some of which they don’t even have and never will. I double doggy dare them to try to fly to Hawaii and I even said double doggy dare them to survive TSA on Maui. I survived TSA on Maui and they are some s**t to deal with if they don’t like the way you look they will have you arrested and they’ve got a gigantic list of terrorist that if you even make it off of the mainland over there. 05/24/2024 ME JULINE A KERR NOR DOUGLAS PARROTT ARE PILL SEEKING Never have and never will and I know that’s what these stupid a*s hospitals have been doing and I’m about to put this fire out for law enforcement worldwide, and the FBI this was Doug's follow up appointment on his hip after six weeks on a forced surgery and them not dropping the charges and causing the whole f**king mass of his broken hip with the help of Bonse course, also they could turn around and frivolously bill MEDICARE for the surgery to get instant payment While they’re being paid off by the hotel chains and whatever else in order to do so https://youtu.be/zUAXiJX2_fc?si=HprqR4gYtUjTvseM 05/24/2024 ME JULINE A KERR NOR DOUGLAS PARROTT ARE PILL SEEKING Never have and never will and I know that’s what these stupid a*s hospitals have been doing and I’m about to put this fire out for law enforcement worldwide, and the FBI this was Doug's follow up appointment on his hip after six weeks on a forced surgery and them not dropping the charges and causing the whole f**king mass of his broken hip with the help of Bonse course, also they could turn around and frivolously bill MEDICARE for the surgery to get instant payment While they’re being paid off by the hotel chains and whatever else in order to do so Goes with: (1) https://youtu.be/wUvp4cYuPlQ?si=U1cC2eNcV6H55A3Q (08/2023 BON SECOURS aka POINSETT FAMILY PRACTICE (PILL PUSHING REJECTED & NEVER PAID $600 for DOUGS RX’s b/c they were trying to kill him and we knew it and still do!!) (2) https://youtube.com/shorts/nBDLCwN666o?si=CA7bTd5DYBGRkdi9 (Suburban Extended stay aka suburban studios aka choicehotels.com) STAYED 06/24/2021 thru 01/20/2022. GOT $4200 back 06/2022 but nothing more since with (3) police reports SPARTANBURG COUNTY SHERIFF 2022, then (2) SPARTANBURG CITY POLICE (2023 & 2024) & (2) TEXAS STATE TROOOPERS REPORTS WITH ATF.gov 2023 & 2024 for SC STATE TROOPR NICHOLS REPORT FOR TERRORISM ON FREEWAY AGAINST EVERYONE FROM 7/15/2023, UNDER SOUTH CAROLINA!!) (3) USA ECONOMY LODGE ID THEFT & JP MORGAN CHASE South Carolina & BITCOIN FEDERAL CORPORATE FINANCUAL FRAUD & INSIDER TRADING WITH CFTC as of 05/23/2024 https://youtube.com/shorts/wzxWnp_XvCA?si=wCogJKQG-BZh5Qft (GASSING CUSTOMERS THRU AIR CONDITIONERS IN HOTEL ROOMS at 7136 Asheville Hwy spartamburg, SC 29303 from 01/20/2022 thru 08/17/2022) TERRORISTS) (4) 3/27/2024 14 minute FBI GSP CALL = 2024_March 27_FBI GREENVILLE_Terrorists_Spartanburg HUMANE Society_2021 - PRESENT_8644154930 FBI ROBERTS SC_FBI NGUYEN TX Stalking and TERRORISM_092023 https://recordings.tapeacall.com/t/1HScTmJYApD2 TERRORISTS MARY BLACK & BON SECOURS REFUSING TO ADDRESS DOUGLAS PARROTS KNEES WITH A KNOWN DISCONNECTED SURAL NERVE IN RIGHT KNEE FROM 06/2023 - 07/15/2023 KIDNAPPING WITH NEEDLES TO MAKE DOUG NOT REMEMBER WHAT THEY DID TO HIM AND WHAT THEY HAD DONE TO ME IN 2021 twice involvi g the FBI GSP 864-232-3807 while stealing our IDENTITY TO FAKE OUR DEATHS WITH INTENT TO KILL US EVENTUALLY DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: ​⁠ CROSS PLATFORM SMO UPDATES ==  

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