I will attach all the relevant information which includes complaint to better contractors Bureau which was ignored there's dozens and dozens of texts which were ignored, I'll also include a letter from our attorneys asking to send the money back which was ignored, we've exhausted every Avenue to try to peacefully solve this. The bottom line is he just stole the money and refuses to give it back, we've offered to accept payment plans, the last thing we want to do is go this route but Jeffrey will not comply nor even attempt to work with us on making a payment plan. I spoke with the da I spoke with the attorney general we spoke with Carmen that's head of the better contractors Bureau every single person said we are in the right you can't just steal $10,000 as a deposit because he got fired from a job.
Although he said multiple times I'll just give the money back and he said it push comes to shove I have the money sitting in escrow but that's all just We also have many other people that were trying to bring forward that he has scammed money out of.