  • Report:  #1521389

Complaint Review: Jamie Perez aka Jamie Perz - Port Richey flordia

Reported By:
Unhappy customer - npr, United States

Jamie Perez aka Jamie Perz
10025 Brandwine Ln Port Richey, 34668 flordia, United States
10025 Brandwine Ln Port Richey Florida
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Jamie Perez aka Jamie Perz of Port Richey, Florida took over $1800 to make repairs to my timing chain, and head gasket and Turbo unit on my car. He has my cash and my car for over 7 months and repairs are not finished. Jamie originally told me 3 weeks to do all the repairs.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    He made excuse after excuse why he could not finish my car, even throught he promised me my car in 3 weeks. Jamie works out of his house on car repairs, and 2 months ago I went to check on my car and Jamie Perz moved and he took my car and I had no clue where Jamie moved to and I had no clue what happened to my car since both Jamie and my car went MIA.

I finally found that Jamie moved my car to a used car lot on Hwy 19 and Ridge Rd in Port Richey. My car sat at that used car sales lot for 2 months and still no work was done to finish repairs. On speaking to the owner of the used car lot he was under the impression that the car belong to Jamie the Mechanic.

I found that Jamie worked for this used car lot doing repairs to their vehicles. I found that Jamie the mechanic was working on these used cars first and placing my car on the back burner even after I gave Jamie the Mechanic the full money up front to do the repairs on my car.

It may come down to that I will need to get a lawyer to start law suit on Jamie and that used car lot or that I will need to talk to police over Fraud of taking my $1800 cash on repairs that still have not been finished after 7 months.I

I like to warn others if you use this mechanic DO NOT PAY HIM UNTIL YOUR VEHICLE IS REPAIRED and I suggest you buy any parts needed since I paid for parts that he won't show me the new parts or the receipts for the parts. Watch out for the promises jamie makes since I been dealing with broken promises from him for 7 months.

Do not make the mistake I have made. I feel so stupid of trusting Jamie Perz the mechanic with giving him money up front.

I am getting screwed around for 7 months now and just hoping I can get me car back finished as promised near 7 months ago.  Please Beware of Jamie Perz aka Jamie Perez of Port Richey, Fl       

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