  • Report:  #1524967

Complaint Review: iFast22 -

Reported By:
Dan - Rockwall, United States

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Ive looked all over for icloud unlocks like many people have, and i am a strong it tech, so it intrigues me to figure out how it works. I probably looked into 100+companies over the last 5 years. Everyone of them ended 1 or 2 ways. Either i was able to detect their scam and didn't do it, or I paid their fee and lost my money. I understand the jailbreak method but I don't count it if i loose functions on the phone.

This company iFast, iFast22, iFast22 Official, Pampro, Pampro8899, FastUnlocker, ProUnlock, or ProUnlocker3939 (Whatever name they have not burned by ripping people off) was the most recent and they are the worst. They run youtube clips making it look like they can do unlocks and evidently even had some friend / family make positive reviews. I assure you they are not people that bought this service.

Nguyen Van Chin is the main guy that has been doing this for a long time. They will sell the solution "icloud unlock" and from the 20-30 emails i exchanged prior to purchase that is all that is said. Actually "1 click unlock". He took my money and sent me the link and list of what to do. The link is malware so be warned. Your computer will warn you again if you forget. I made mine trust it and later had to clean 5-6 threats off computer. The list he sends is a list telling you to jailbreak. First time that was mentioned. I still have every email and this guy is a snake. He lied repeatedly and very convincing. I tried to find a solution in what he sent me but it didn't work. I was in contact with this guy as much as i could but he replied less and less over next 10 minutes and they banned me from the link.

Yes he scammed me for $170. I am certain he expected someone that wasn't as knowledgeable so that he could avoid the conflict of having his scam noticed immediately. Hes selling the same thing that Tenorshare, UltFone, and others sell for 1/4 the cost. They also wont infect your computer. A couple days after this event I looked at some of my security info and noticed that he was actively still attacking my computer with his phishing and malware (pic attached). Beware of this guy or anything close to any of the company names.

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