  • Report:  #1534180

Complaint Review: Happy Life Cleaning Inc - Aurora, Yorkville, Oswego, Montgomery Illinois

Reported By:
Anonymous - Yorkville, United States

Happy Life Cleaning Inc
Aurora, Yorkville, Oswego, Montgomery, Illinois, United States
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I do not recommend Happy LIFE Cleaning Inc. Despite paying for a deep clean, I discovered multiple areas that were missed entirely, with soap scum and crumbs still left behind. When I brought this to the owner's attention with clear photos, their response was shockingly unprofessional: 'Seriously, one small tiny dot?' This was after showing multiple crumbs on a table that should have been wiped. It seems this is a pattern--a Google search reveals others had the same bad experience. They did offer to come back, but after the owner's unprofessionalism, I decided it was safest not to allow that. I wish I had looked into them more.

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