Guy Griffithe, aka. The Bald Fox, has spent the last 25 years ripping people off. Guy likes to hold himself out as an "honest business man."
Now lets see, would an honest business man have been sued over 40 times in the last 25 years for not paying his debt? Guy Griffithe has.
Would an honest businessman knowingly alter a mortgage contract, by inserting his own name to obtain $650,000. it is alleged Guy Griffithe did.
Would an honest businessman have been sued by The United States Securities and Exchange Commission for Securitied Fraud and operating a Ponzi Scheme to defraud atleast 25 investors out of 4.85 million dollars. Case No 8:20-cv-00124. Guy Griffithe was.
Would an honest businessman consent to a jugement, penalty, and interest equaling over $5,300,000 in The United States Securities and Exchange Case filed against him? Guy Griffithe did.
Would an honest businessman use investors money to purchase luxeries for himself cars, boats, etc, while intentionally letting the business fail? It is alleged by the SEC that Guy Griffithe did.
Would an honest businessman knowingly manufacture contracts to aquire loans, offering an interst rate that is userous, to attempt to protect himself from having to repay the contract? Guy Griffithe does.
Would an honest businessman borrow money under contract to pay legal fees, while in bankruptcy, then refuse to repay the loan? Guy Griffithe does.
Would an honest businessman take the funds borrowed to pay legal fees, and not pay the legal fees to his attorney, get sued by his unpaid attorney for over $50,000.00, lose the case by default, file to set aside the default 3 times, mistateing facts to the court all 3 times, however still losing? Guy Griffithe did.
Would an honest businessman "personally guarantee" a contractual obligation then not pay it? Guy Griffithe did.
Would an honest businessman sell fake securities? Guy Griffithe did.
Would an honest businessman purchase a new expensive home while in bankruptcy, and numerous court litigations, then file for a fee waivers with the court? Guy Griffithe did.
Would an honest businessman transfer businesses into his soon to be wifes name shortly after filng bankruptcy? Guy Griffithe did.
Would you consider doing business with a person who has essentially stolen millions of dollars from the general public in a Ponzi scheme and securities fraud scheme, has created havoc for people in the mortgage industry which has cost them their homes and property, has been sued numerous times over and over again for not repaying loans, and not paying for services?
Would you consider anything you heard on the podcast the bald fox as truth?
Would you consider doing business with Guy Griffithe?