  • Report:  #1533240

Complaint Review: Freedom Forever &VYTL - Temecula California

Reported By:
Salvador - San Juan Capistrano, California, United States

Freedom Forever &VYTL
43445 Business Park Dr #110, , CA Temecula, 92590 California, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I did busoiness with freedom forever until i found out they choose what contracts they want to honor based on a few items they prefer.. also they feel they can cancel any deal if they dont like or for a ny reason OUTSIDE of the legal scope and timeline of cancellation.. CLEARLY DO NOTDU BUSINESS with them. very likley they will rip you off and cancel your deals without merit!!! ILLEGALLY!!!!

HUGE multi million dollar issue.. if you have been offended by freedom forever or know anyone who is PLEASE reach out to me as i prepare a lawsuit !!


Salvador Castillo 




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