  • Report:  #1532900

Complaint Review: Euromotive Performance in Hallandale Beach FL SCAM & Duwayne Hughes President. LIARS SCAM ARTISTS - RUN!!! - Hallandale Beach FLORIDA

Reported By:
A concerned citizen - Hallandale Beach, Florida, United States

Euromotive Performance in Hallandale Beach FL SCAM & Duwayne Hughes President. LIARS SCAM ARTISTS - RUN!!!
208 NW 1st Avenue Hallandale Beach, 33009 FLORIDA, United States
954-283-0314 - Company
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Duwayne Hughes is bad news.  He has at least nine different businesses listed on Division of Corporation website and most were may incactive by the state. He used to do business as Euromotive Collision but had to close that down. Hmmm.  Now he is back at it again with Euromotive performance. Don't believe the 440 reviews. Read the bad reviews and you will soon realize that Duwayne Hughes temper is his worst enemy. Probably all of the steriods he takes!  Bad news, don't risk your cars safety to this hack.

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