  • Report:  #1526805

Complaint Review: Erin Sons Electricor Es Electric Serviceor Eric Sandoval - Visalia CA

Reported By:
Maria - VISALIA, United States

Erin Sons Electricor Es Electric Serviceor Eric Sandoval
2631 S Mendonca Visalia, 93277 CA, United States
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This person will deceive you,take your money and keep making excuses not to finish the job. Yet when you think he fisnhed the job you will find out he took your money and make look like he had completed the job.I had to hire someone to remove his work,which was not to code and patch damages to the stucco he creasted. My huge mistake was to trust him and pay him upfront as he requested. He is not licensed and if you search on nextdoor neighborhood app you will find out he done the same thing to many other people.

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