but I don't know this and had one of there plumbers come out to my house to snake a drain. There brought 10ft rods and he act like there were made gold and he complain when scare he would break one. He charge me $125.00 for this and did even clean the drain which was dumb and paid on credit card. Then he try to hustle me for a $1575 main line repair. I found a better company to do it for $800.00 when I did the charge back on the $125.00 which He made threats of lawsuits and to go building inspector and get my house condemn. He also threatened leans and lawsuits. Thank goodness the company I went with knew about tricks and help me not fear the scammer. I as found he use the trick of putting mailbox/hot wheel cars down people drains to running up a bigger bill. I figured he get a laugh or he make sale..but charge me $125.00 and creadcard company sided with him a big bad Business. He did nothing to get my drain clean only made it worse.