  • Report:  #1482081

Complaint Review: Dr Pepper Advertising offer -

Reported By:
Cannard - Rainier , United States

Dr Pepper Advertising offer
United States
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I pray and hope everyone who recieves that email will research it first....i always use this site first...there was no complaints so isearched the internet and found this site....it was perfect so i am passing it on in this web site ..... Nothing...i never trusted them from the beginning. ..I recieved an email....it said they are advertising in a different  way...

they will pay $500 a week for 10 weeks if they can advertise on my car by car wraping my car.....i did not believe it so i checked Ripoff Report and i did not find any complaints...i checked the internet and found a site which i have left above...this site tells of a women who did not research this email and went through the process of the scam...she lost thousands ...please read how they did it and spread the word...

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