  • Report:  #315881

Complaint Review: Companies Incorporated - Santa Clarita California

Reported By:
- San Antonio, Texas,

Companies Incorporated
28015 Smyth Drive Santa Clarita, 91355 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
COMPANIES INC sold me a company with a guaranteed real estate line of credit which does not work. It cost $19,604.00.

I purchased this company with a guaranteed line of credit of up to one million dollars for buying real estate.

The line of credit is supposed to be available regardless of credit score, and without collateral, other than the subject property and without any personal guarantees, as long as the purchase price is 65% of after repair value (ARV).

My business partner and I had a house appraised at $850,000 (it was appraised 3 times over a period of 9 months, with an ARV of $950,000-$975,000 and we requested loans several different times for three different amounts over the course of 10 months.

The first loan was for $600,000, 71% of LTV and 63% of ARV;

Second loan request for $550,000, 65% of LTV and 58% of ARV, and

Third loan request for $450,000, 53% of LTV and 47% of ARV.

They were unable to perform and finance the deal as guaranteed. So

For the $600,000 amount Kevin Wessell, owner of Companies Incorporated, asked me to use my house as collateral. SPECIFICALLY what I did not want to do, and what he told me I would never have to do, and why I bought this program.

Second Kevin requested I set up a trust to allow him to share 20% of the profits. Again the deal fell apart.

Third Kevin wanted someone with a good FICO score to be added to my company and to sign for the loan. Again, SPECIFICALLY what I did not want to do; and what he told me I would never have to do, and why I bought this program.

Kevin finally found a person (name omitted) who was added to my LLC to do the guarantee and still Kevin was unable to perform as promised.

The company I bought was for a specific purpose and they knew that purpose. After they were unable to perform they told us, Well not every deal goes through. Their website boasted a 100% performance so long as parameters are met. We went beyond meeting their parameters. They even gave us a letter of pre-approval for $1,000,000.

My partner and I waited and worked with them for the past year to allow them a chance to perform. I really wanted this to work. I stood to make $200,000 - $400,000 from this one deal. However, since they could not perform I requested a refund of my money. They refused. Their response is, Go out and find other properties.

In October of 2007 the credit card company granted a temporary refund of our money until Companies Inc responded. Companies Inc responded with libelous and slanderous remarks to the credit card company. It appears that Visa rules do not aid us due to time and we must seek other remedy avenues.

I printed out Companies Incs website from August of 2006, when we bought their scam - now they have changed their website as of January 2008. Their response to the credit card is that we altered Companies Incs website and printed it out to show their guarantees. We did not and do not have access to their back office to make such changes. Pretty bold lie.

Here are the immortal words of Matt, an employee of Companies Inc. when I informed him that I will request a charge back from the credit card company. He said, We are a huge company who makes a lot of money for these credit card companies because their clients use their cards for our services, you really think they are going to listen to a little nobody like you. Get real and move on with your life.

Companies Inc charges that we purchased four products from them and our dispute is over one of those products. Let me set the record straight. I informed Matt and Kevin that we are not interested in the LLC, the credit builder program or the real estate course, only the line of credit. They informed me that the credit line for real estate purchases only comes with the LLC, or company, the credit program is part of that already, and the real estate course is to learn how to structure the deal.

1. The LLC was delivered, but then a few months later they brought in a third person to be the president in order to attempt to secure the financing. Now it is no longer my LLC.

NOTE: I have been in the incorporating business for 11 years and do not need anyone to incorporate me. I bought the LLC for the credit alone. Matt and Kevin were advised of that fact on several occasions and about 20 times before and during the purchase.

2. The credit program. I talked to a guy, from Business Credit Services, a couple of times who collected my information and sent me a regurgitation of that information along with information on other companies having similar names and how I should protect my company name. I set up the company I told him about, it was not the LLC purchased from Companies Inc., and he sent me a100 page report on information I told him or am already aware of and they call this a credit building service? I do not need secretarial services.

3. The two day training course on how to structure a real estate offer. Again I informed them I have been involved with real estate for many years, but they insisted as this will show me how to do the proposal structure. Kevin and Rusty, the owner of Endeavor, the company which puts on the 2 day course, both assured me it was good as done. We can close this within 7-10 days assured me Kevin. The Real estate course was nothing more than a glorified sales pitch for Endeavors other courses which cost $2,000 plus.

4. The up to $1,000,000 line of credit for real estate purchases so long

as certain parameters are met. The parameters are:

a. Pictures and purchase contract

b. Appraisal

c. Comps, preferably a CMA from a Real Estate Agent

d. Plot map

e. Map of how to get to property

f. Letter requesting loan and stating that it is for business purposes

thus allowing them to charge higher interest rates than would be

allowed if the loan was for personal use.

g. List of repairs

h. Plan of action how do you plan on recovering the money.

We complied several times to try to help them finance us as guaranteed..

Mr. Wessell chose to concentrate on the first three services to claim that services were rendered. Conveniently forgetting to deal with the only reason we bought this LLC from Companies Inc. - the line of credit.

His response to the inability to deliver on the money is amazing. He lies about their guarantees on their site and charges us with fraud that we altered their website. Since he, along with his employees, view their clients as NOBODIES they figure they can continue the scam attack and feast on these NOBODIES. By the way they do not offer these programs anymore and have changed their website to attempt to refute all of our claims. They dont seem to realize that all past websites are secured and on record.

He also lies and claims that they do not loan based off of the ARV. At the 2 day course, Slide 106, entitled Getting Cash Back Rusty and Kevin demonstrate this scenario:

Property is worth $100,000;

you negotiate to purchase it for $80,000;

and the Seller carries $30,000,

then you only need to pay the seller $50,000

However, by using the structure they are teaching

you will borrow 70% of the $100,000

thus acquiring a loan for $70,000

you will pay seller $50,000

thus pocketing $20,000.

Mr. Wessell made an outright lie to the credit card company telling them that such deals do not take place; that loans are only based off of the purchase price. Yet Mr. Wessell is willing to refuse to perform and yet claim, Our goal is 100% customer satisfaction. on his website.

Another lie Mr. Wessell was quick to conjure was that I only submitted one deal to him. First of all their site, the 2 day course, and Companies Inc. do not condition financing on submitting multiple deals. This deal had a $200,000 - $400,000 profit spread.

I asked Kevin about 30 acres I wanted to purchase and develop at Canyon Lake, near a property I already own out there and he recommended I move forward with something which could generate money quickly and then move on to such a project. The Oak Estates Property had $200,000 - $400,000 but no deal.

I asked Mr. Wessell about a second property, located on Villa Ave, and he ran a comp and said it would not work. I moved on.

I asked about a package of 319 homes I had available to purchase and he passed me on to Casey, one of his people, for help, but then I could not reach anyone to give me direction or an answer as to what was happening. That deal was not completed.

321 homes submitted and no deals. I stood to make about $7 million dollars on the 319 homes package.

I complained to the Better Business Bureau and Kevin offered to pay $500 as a compromise to a program which cost us $19,604. Companies Inc responded and the BBB simply marked them as having resolved the issue. I complained again about the incorrect listing by the BBB and after 30 minutes of discussion they agreed to change it to unresolved.

I was scammed and will continue pursuing a resolution.

BEWARE. There are many scams and this happens to be very well disguised. Kevin is slick and very personable until you ask for a refund. He is not available for calls after you show dissatisfaction, even though you can hear him in the background telling the secretary to say he is out.


San Antonio, Texas


4 Updates & Rebuttals


Santa Clarita,

#2UPDATE Employee

Thu, August 14, 2008

Louis Monsour, a.k.a. Elias Houayek - Bottom line is - You've been caught 1. You got your loan. You just would not do what it took to follow through on it. 2. You are a competitor trying to slam your competition. We saw your website, Louis and it proves you are a direct competitor trying to slam your competition.


San Antonio,

#3Author of original report

Tue, July 01, 2008

Once again Kevin Wessell (CEO owner) and Matt Mitchell (employee) are running with their standard scam playbook responses. Kevin loves to point ot the fact that Zeyna paid for the program and not I. Have you ever heard of partners? she is my partner. Have you ever spoken with her? NO!!!! You met with me, you spoke to me, and as you stated it you have a record of over 300 communications with me, but what you failed to mention is that I initiated most of those communications. The conversations seemed to always start with, "so what is going on now and when will this deal close." As for the asking for 700K for a 425K deal. Interesting since it was the people you connected me with are the people who told me what and how to put the information in the package. In fact you and Rusty looked over the package in Los Angeles and exclaimed, "This is great. We can close this in a few days. We'll call XXXX from Arkansas he loves these deals." Besides the first submission asked for 600K and the second asked for 550K and the last submission asked for 450K. You failed to provide service at any level. As for Kevin willing to sign on the deal. I agreed and again he failed to perform. Time was never an issue. The first payoff date we received was in November of 2006 and the last was to close in June 26, 2007. You mean to tell me that is not enough time for you to perform? The LTV which Kevin and Matt reference are interesting. The Value per 3 separate appraisals was 850,000 and the loan requested was 600,000 a 70% LTV, the 550,000 loan requested was 65% LTV, the 450,000 loan requested was 53% LTV. Yet no deal. I followed the course to a tee. I was sent a sample copy and I duplicated it exactly; Kevin and Rusty reviewed the first draft and told me not to change a thing it was perfect; I used the numbers I was told to use, I submitted three times and not once did I receive a complaint from Kevin or Matt. Yet what is one of their contentions Louis did not follow the course. If I did it the way you told me how can you accuse me of not following the course? Did you ever read the course? It sounds like someone else wrote your course and you are clueless as to its contents? Do you have any clue what you are spouting or are you just sky hooking whatever whirls around in your mind? Is this making sense to anyone? The truth of the matter is that their website offered a corporation with a "Guaranteed Existing line of credit for real estate use." Yet you guys deny that. I love this next accusation. Kevin told the credit card company that I went in and altered their website and that their website does not have such language. How stupid would you have to be to allow your website to be open for anyone to go in and alter it? Interesting since Matt sent me the link to it and I printed it out. Those reading this posting go to their website and notice that they do not offer these corporations any more. And the new language in there is all due to my complaints. If you were to read my email complaints to Kevin and Matt you would see where the changes came from on their website. Kevin said that my refusal to put my house up as collateral is a deal breaker and it is my fault. I specifically asked and received assurances that no collateral would be needed and no personal guarantees and only the property would be used to support the loan. I bought a company which is supposed to have a Guaranteed Existing line of credit for real estate and I did not receive it. Wanting me to put up my house or get personal guarantees are a bait and switch. You argue that your credit was on the line. How is that my fault if you were selling that risk via the Guaranteed Existing Line of credit. You did not selling me a corporation subject to a line of credit. Kevin, conveniently claims he is not aware of my other deals. Interesting since he is the one who directed me to Casey and Sean, also employees in his company, to handle the deals for me. Your first impression does not mesh with sound business reasoning??? Buying 319 homes as a package for $2 million whereas comps on 61 of them was valued at $7 mill plus is not a sound business deal? Let me educate you I told you I wanted to sell the first 61 homes, take the money and payoff the loan, and use the rest to refurbish the remaining properties and then rent them out. Was that difficult to compute? I told you the numbers and I emailed the property list to Casey. Do you bother looking into customers issues or just monitor these sites for scam alerts and you respond. I see you are busy responding to various issues. Your D&B incident is a bummer. D&Bs sole purpose is too look for fraud and they flag you and your clients and you whine about it. Hmmmm. What is your idea of a sound business deal? Take money from clients, make guarantees, make promises, slander them and then not deliver? What a wonderful business model. You should be proud. Matt, the ever diligent researcher, points out that my name is attached to a site claiming I have spent thousands on corporations and credit yet I do not have any and had to come to them. Matt knew that I have been incorporating people for years, especially since I ordered an offshore corporation for one of my clients from Companies Inc in August 2006; and I told Matt and Kevin that I am not interested in the LLC, the credit program or the real estate program since I have been doing these things for years. The reason I needed immediate access to money is because my companies were embezzled a few months earlier and the corporations and the credit were all compromised. I liquidated all my real estate holdings, my stocks and used my savings to repay every single partner or customer I had who was owed anything under our agreements and therefore the reason I was also cash poor as well as credit poor. I did the honorable thing and repaid unserviced contracts and did not scam my clients. They both mention that they spent countless hours helping me. I spent countless hours hunting them down and they did not help me, they simply helped themselves. If you had performed as promised and agreed verbally and in your website, you would not have spent countless hours dealing with me and my deal would have been completed. I spent countless hours reworking my deal to suit your ever changing excuses of non-performance. When I have a guaranteed existing line of credit and you personally told me this would close in two weeks the deal should have closed. Amazing how people without a set line of credit are able to close real estate deals within 30-45 days. You had 8 months and that was not enough time for you. Kevin would like you to believe that he is a poor simpleton trying to make a living - yeah at the expense of scamming others. Is it any wonder that D&B flagged your company and that of 3000 of your clients? I did not pay you the money to be your phone or email buddy, I paid you to obtain a service and that ONE service was the Guaranteed EXISTING line of credit for real estate - not the LLC, not the secretarial service you call credit building and not the infomercial real estate presentation to sell 4-5 other programs costing several thousands each which I am sure you benefit from as well. The reality here is that you took a successful business; hey you bought up another company for $10 mill so you have money, and you ventured into a realm of which you have no expertise. You relied on a credit company which cannot deliver, in fact if I amnot mistaken you own that company as well. I looked into them back in 2002 to possibly help my clients and it was one of my partners who pointed out to them that the company was in default at the time. The main person we dealt with there was an ex-employee of another famously fraudulent incorporating and credit company tied up in several lawsuits in California. Their information was obviously scam level and we passed. It wasn't until your scam that we went back and checked and realized that the VP of that company was an officer of Incorporating Inc. Back then the business was an LLC and now it is INC. Whoever wrote your wording for the 2006 website did not do a good job; and whomever you relied upon for the credit to offer Guaranteed Existing line of credit did not perform. You should have been a man of integrity and simply said, You know what, I failed to perform and here you go here is your money back? How noble of Kevin and Matt not to want anyone to think badly of me. If anyone thinks badly of me because I am pointing out an injustice then by all means proceed. "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."


Santa Clarita,
Reply to Louis Monsour, a.k.a. Elias Houayek

#4UPDATE Employee

Thu, March 20, 2008

This report is copied and pasted from and posted on behalf of employee, Matt. Dear Louis Monsour, a.k.a. Elias Houayek, I respectully say, your comments and accusations are truly unfounded. Particularly the remarks you made in response to the credit card companies. That function of the business in how things are charge and how disputes are handled between card holders and companies is out of my scope of duties here at Companies Inc. If you feel you have to lie and make false accusations about me, then I guess you truly are a person that will say anything even slanderous and with contempt. You were provided a company and the program. You had made many calls to me and the staff at Companies Inc. in regards to how this works prior to the sale and many more after. You were provided the training and tools to be successful. In the conversations we had it was clear that you did not use the training DVDs or even completely watch them or even try to work within the parameters of the program. When you yourself fracture the system and tried to work around the guidelines then being successful will not be forthcoming. Much like driving down a 2 lane road and not staying between the lines it may and mostly likely will be disastrous. Your comments about ARV (After Repair Value) are also false as we had discussed so many times it is the LTV (Loan to Value) or LTP (Loan to Purchase) that lenders use to determine loan safety. Yes you had brought deals in that you felt met the criteria of the program however in the many conversations we had you should have known that they were not in the proper alignment needed to make the transactions. We have spent countless hours trying to assist and have you understand the program but you refused to follow the very clear and concise outlines required. When you started calling with interest in the company you said your personal credit was shot to some things I will not discuss here and you needed a company and credit lines to do real estate investing. I found a website with your name and information all over it saying you took 10 years and $700,000.00 invested in helping people repair and build corporate credit. I find this hard to believe because you had come to us in need of corporate credit and by your own admission your own personal credit was in shambles. Now you come on this site and post that we made promises and could not fulfill, however you did not follow the course, instructions, many hours of guidance or even the least bit of common sense. None of my comments, herein are intended to effect the opinion others may have of you, Louis. And no one reading this should necessarily form a different opinion you. It is simply responding to your post honestly, to the best of my knowledge and, from my perspective. I speak with full confidence because have personal, first-hand knowledge that there are comments you made that are blatantly unfounded. Matt


Santa Clarita,
Louis - Reply to Louis of San Antonio, Texas

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, March 09, 2008

Louis- Though we care about our clients, we must respectfully say, your posting has numerous false statements and half-stories. First and foremost, you are not a customer of our company. You have not paid our company for the service you mentioned. It was paid for by a Zeyna Faris. Moreover, you wanted to buy a house for $425,000 but what you failed to mention is you wanted to borrow $700,000 to cover the fix-up costs. That is a loan-to-purchase ratio of 165%. Lenders typically lend based on on the lower of the purchase price or appraised value. No reasonable person would think that loan is within reasonable lender safety parameters. If the lender had to foreclose they could lose over $300,000 with loan losses, legal fees and sales costs. Moreover, when we talked to two local lenders in your area, we were specifically told that the appraiser you used is well known for appraising houses at a higher level than other appraisers in the area. The comparable sales data uncovered by local lenders showed a much lower value than your appraiser claimed. We are NOT lenders. We can, however, assist clients in obtaining loans and have assisted our clients in obtaining several million dollars in financing. However, no lender wanted to finance YOUR property because you requested a loan they felt was UNSAFE. In your case, our client database has over 139 contact notes from calls to or from you and our staff. So, we bent over backwards to communicate with you. Moreover, I both personally offered to risk my own credit to assist you to fund your transaction and later we found you an additional co-signer. However, you did not get your financing for these big reasons: 1. You wanted to borrow much more than the purchase price and no lender wished to do so in the weak Texas market. 2. You asked for our help only days before the foreclosure deadline. 3. You had two additional chances on the same property, however, again, you waited until the last minute and you put your application through only days before the foreclosure deadlines each time. Moreover, as you admitted in your posting, we had a lender who said he would finance the property if you would offer more collateral. He said if you offered your home as collateral he would finance the property. You refused. I did not ask you to put your house up as collateral. The lender did. We did not tell you that you would never have to so this. So, we risked our personal credit to help you, but you refused to help yourself by offering extra collateral. In other words, you wanted us to risk our credit but you refused to take any risks yourself. This is roughly equivalent to a man standing on the street crying and starving to death. We put food in his hand. But he still cries because he does not want to put for the effort to list his own hand to his own mouth. You had to opportunity but you refused to do what it took to help yourself. It's easy to hide behind this website pointing fingers and calling everyone liars and scammers. However, when the whole truth is told it sheds a whole new light on the situation, doesn't it Louis? Louis, it is not true that the LLC is no longer yours. The lender requested a that a stronger borrower become a manager of your company along with you in order to help you secure financing. You and/or Zeyna Faris can retain 100% interest and voting rights in the LLC and and can remove the manager any time you wish. If you would have followed the training course that we paid for and sent to you then you would have structured the offer correctly or moved on to ones that would fit into safe loan parameters. With regard to your additional properties you claim to have proposed, buying 30 acres and adding more inventory to the highest foreclosure market in US history is simply not a sound business decision. Buying 319 homes would also be far outside of the realm of your experience. So, though I am not fully aware of those proposals, my first impression does not seem to mesh with sound business reasoning. It is shocking to me that you say I refused to get on the phone with you to resolve your issues and that I would whisper to the receptionist to tell you that I was not in. It is simply not true and you know it as well as I. First of all, the receptionist is far from my office and behind two closed doors. Moreover, according to our database, I personally spoke with you 29 times after the purchase was made. So, though it is not our position to question the integrity of our clients, we will let the facts speak for themselves. Call our office and let's talk and see how we can help resolve your concerns, Louis.

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