  • Report:  #1360031

Complaint Review: General Motors - Nationwide

Reported By:
Tim - Castle Creek, New York, USA

General Motors
Nationwide, USA
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At 120,000 miles the vehicle begin exhibiting the issues as described in special warranty 14329 for power steering failure. I took the vehicle to the dealership who told me that while the same two parts listed in the warranty had failed they did not fail in the manner that is covered by the warranty. I find it very convenient that these two parts which do not fail routinely in vehicles failed within the warranty period but it was not caused but the warranty issue.

To expand on the issue the warranty covers a failure of the power steering pump to do internal damage.  Mine was not covered because the seals of both the power steering pump and the steering gear were blown out.  I know enough about cars to know that these seals do not just blow out under normal use.  It seems sensible to me that internal damage caused the pressure to spike which blow out the seals

I have submitted a case to Chevy with number 8-2782147523 which has since been closed since as they put it my vehicle was repaired

In researching this issue I have found hundreds possibly thousands who have had the same issue with this warranty.  I can't actually find anyone who has been successful in getting the warranty.

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