  • Report:  #1533623

Complaint Review: Chad Koehn - New York City New York

Reported By:
Mitch - New York City, United States

Chad Koehn
Price Tower New York City, New York, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Chad Koehn of this hedge fund called United Capital Management of Kansas commited serious bitcoin crypto currency fraud against us selling us stock and fake cryptocurrency scam.

We got invited to a seminar and chad koehn provided us a fake crypto currency bitcoin scam led by Anthem Hayek Blanchard who was said to be some sort of crypto currency bitcoin expert, but really it was all a scam.

Chad Koehn held out these SEC (Securities Exchange Commission) licenses like everything was legit and nothing was what we were told it was, everything was one big scam, to get out money and then keep trying to "RELOAD" us into the next scam business in bitcoin crypto currency scams.

We should've done some more homework on this scammer Chad Koehn who held these seminars in Salina Kansas:  https://www.chamberofcommerce.com/business-directory/kansas/salina/investment-service/40983765-united-capital-management-of-kansas-inc

They have been trying to reload us again into a scam business in Bartlesville Oklahoma where they say we will get all our money back and then some once they sell all the artwork and furniture from a Frank Lloyd Wright property located in downtown Bartlesville Oklahoma.


It looks like there are a ton of reports on here and many others with the authorities about the scam we were taken on with Chad Koehn and his front people Cynthia and Anthem Blanchard in Bartlesville Oklahoma:


If only we did our homework on who we were dealing with.   https://klaymantoskes.com/kansas-broker-chad-mitchell-koehn-suspended/#:~:text=National%20investment%20fraud%20lawyers%20KlaymanToskes%20is%20investigating%20Chad,SA%20Stone%20Wealth%20Management%2C%20Inc.%20in%20Salina%2C%20KS.

These people have scammed so many we feel foolish to have ever trusted United Capital Management of Kansas or Chad Koehn the President of United Capital Management of Kansas UCM

It looks like Chad Koehn in Salina Kansas has been a suspended stock broker with many lawsuits:


The Price Tower Bartlesville Oklahoma is another scam enterprise these people are running and it looks like they owe a lot of money to a lot of people.  We lost our $84,505 our life savings to these crooks


Here is a news story about what sort of crooked crooks these people are especially Chad Koehn of Salina Kansas with United Capital Management of Kansas



1 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

#2UPDATE Employee

Tue, August 06, 2024

We have recently become aware of a false and misleading post on Rip Off Report concerning Chad Koehn and our team. We take such accusations very seriously and wish to address these unfounded claims directly.

The individual responsible for this post is not, and has never been, a client or customer of Chad Koehn. This person is more likely the individual against whom there is a protection from stalking order. This individual has a documented history of harassment and making unfounded claims. 

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