Took a bunch of money for his "new investments". A Canabis farm on the border of Saskatewan targeted for medica users only. Was offered a "guarantee of return of capital" if the project never "materialized". Project obviously never happened and now hes "disapeared" with all the money. Lives in Sturgeon, by the looks of it he does this all the time while selling himself as a "local successful business" man, but really a professional con artist. Fake fraudulent room rentals at a property that has been condemned by AHS but he illegally still rents the room out and scams you out of getting your damage deposit back and kicks you out illegally. Has surveillance cameras interior and exterior. Comes as he pleases to the property and home and harasses tenant's especially females with disgusting text messages. Shaniel Sewak is a huge con artist. If your interested just google his name "Shaneil Sewak" and youll be entertained. WILL BE SUING